Thursday, July 16, 2015

Mount NTFS file system on Linux

Below are the steps to mount ntfs file system on linux OS

1. Download fuse RPM from below link and Install
$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force fuse-2.7.4-8_12.el5.x86_64.rpm
$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force fuse-kmdl-2.6.18-371.el5xen-2.7.4-8_12.el5.x86_64.rpm
$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force fuse-libs-2.7.4-8_12.el5.x86_64.rpm

2. Download fuse-ntfs RPM from below link and Install
$ rpm -Uvh --nodeps --force fuse-ntfs-3g-1.417-1.el4.rf.x86_64.rpm

3. Mount the HD
$ mount.ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /media/disk1 -o force

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Change sysman Password on 12c EM

Can not Change sysman password through sqlplus when running on Enterprise Manager. Have to use emctl to change sysman because this is used by oms. Please follow below steps to change the password

1. Stop oms
$ export OMS_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/oms12cr3/oms
$ cd $OMS_HOME/bin
$ ./emctl stop oms
do not use -all as admin server need to be up for change password 2. Modify sysman password
$ cd $OMS_HOME/bin
$ emctl config oms -change_repos_pwd -use_sys_pwd -sys_pwd <'sys password'> -new_pwd <'new sysman password'>
2. Restart all oms including Admin server
$ cd $OMS_HOME/bin
$ ./emctl stop oms -all
$ ./emctl start oms