There are many ways to overcome this issue
Method 1 - Increase parameterCheck Current connection count
Check current configuration of profile
Increase parameter value
Makesure parameter has been changed successfully
SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username='APP01' GROUP BY username; CONNECTIONS USERNAME ------------ --------- 500 APP01
SQL> col username for a12 col profile for a19 col limit for a12 set lines 299 select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME='SESSIONS_PER_USER' and a.username='APP01'; USERNAME PROFILE RESOURCE_NAME LIMIT ------------ ------------------- ------------------- APP01 DEFAULT SESSIONS_PER_USER 500
SQL> col username for a12 col profile for a19 col limit for a12 set lines 299 select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME='SESSIONS_PER_USER' and a.username='APP01'; USERNAME PROFILE RESOURCE_NAME LIMIT ------------ ------------------- -------------------- APP01 DEFAULT SESSIONS_PER_USER 600
Check Current connection count
Select Idle connection which are inactive more than 12 hours
Kill Idle sessions from above output
Makesure Connection count after killed Idle sessions
SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username='APP01' GROUP BY username; CONNECTIONS USERNAME ------------ --------- 500 APP01
set heading off; select 'alter system kill session ''' || sid || ',' || serial# || ''' immediate;' from v$session where username='APP01' and status = 'INACTIVE' and last_call_et/60/60 >= 12;
alter system kill session '100,35175' immediate; alter system kill session '1768,53954' immediate; alter system kill session '2129,15490' immediate; alter system kill session '2251,6956' immediate; alter system kill session '3331,17248' immediate; ...............
SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username='APP01' GROUP BY username; CONNECTIONS USERNAME ------------ --------- 120 APP01
Check Current connection count
Check hosts which make multiple sessions
Kill from above output
Makesure Connection count after killed Idle sessions
SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username='APP01' GROUP BY username; CONNECTIONS USERNAME ------------ --------- 500 APP01
select machine,program,username,count(*) from v$session group by machine,program,username order by 4 desc; machine program username count(*) ------- ------- -------- -------- e5a07b31a6e5 JDBC Thin Client APP01 470 JDBC Thin Client APP02 185
begin for s in( select * from v$session where machine = 'e5a07b31a6e5' and username = 'APP01' ) loop begin execute immediate 'alter system kill session '''||s.sid||','||s.serial#||''' immediate'; exception when others then null; end; end loop; end;
SQL> SELECT count(*) as connections,username FROM v$session where username='APP01' GROUP BY username; CONNECTIONS USERNAME ------------ --------- 120 APP01