RMAN> run{
2> allocate channel ch1 device type disk format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_DB_%U';
3> backup database;
4> backup archivelog all format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_Archive_%U';
5> backup current controlfile format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_Control_%U';
6> }
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: chq
channel chq: SID=53 instance=RAC2 device type=DISK
Starting backup at 06-MAR-15
current log archived
released channel: chq
RMAN-00571: ================================================
RMAN-00569: ========= ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ==========
RMAN-00571: ================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 03/06/2015 17:57:28
RMAN-06059: expected archived log not found, loss of archived log compromises recoverability
ORA-19625: error identifying file /u01/archive/1_7_873551068.dbf
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3
Recovery Manager complete.
Delete expired archivelog those are not in the DB
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=35 instance=RAC2 device type=DISK
validation failed for archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_7_873551068.dbf RECID=3 STAMP=873556504
validation failed for archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_8_873551068.dbf RECID=2 STAMP=873556504
validation failed for archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_9_873551068.dbf RECID=4 STAMP=873557382
validation failed for archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_10_873551068.dbf RECID=5 STAMP=873557389
validation failed for archived log
validation succeeded for archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/rac/archivelog/1_14_873551068.dbf RECID=15 STAMP=873567711
validation succeeded for archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/rac/archivelog/1_15_873551068.dbf RECID=19 STAMP=873567781
validation succeeded for archived log
archived log file name=+DATA/rac/archivelog/1_16_873551068.dbf RECID=21 STAMP=873615567
Crosschecked 22 objects
RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=35 instance=RAC2 device type=DISK
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name RAC
Key Thrd Seq S Low Time
------- ---- ------- - ---------
3 1 7 X 05-MAR-15
Name: /u01/archive/1_7_873551068.dbf
2 1 8 X 05-MAR-15
Name: /u01/archive/1_8_873551068.dbf
4 1 9 X 05-MAR-15
Name: /u01/archive/1_9_873551068.dbf
5 1 10 X 05-MAR-15
Name: /u01/archive/1_10_873551068.dbf
Do you really want to delete the above objects (enter YES or NO)? YES
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_7_873551068.dbf RECID=3 STAMP=873556504
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_8_873551068.dbf RECID=2 STAMP=873556504
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_9_873551068.dbf RECID=4 STAMP=873557382
deleted archived log
archived log file name=/u01/archive/1_10_873551068.dbf RECID=5 STAMP=873557389
deleted archived log
Deleted 11 EXPIRED objects
After delete expired backup, re-try the backup then it will successful
RMAN> run{
2> allocate channel ch1 device type disk format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_DB_%U';
3> backup database;
4> backup archivelog all format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_Archive_%U';
5> backup current controlfile format '+DATA/RAC/BACKUP/%T_Control_%U';
6> }
allocated channel: ch1
channel ch1: SID=53 instance=RAC2 device type=DISK
Starting backup at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ch1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
input datafile file number=00001 name=+DATA/rac/datafile/system.256.873550825
input datafile file number=00002 name=+DATA/rac/datafile/sysaux.257.873550829
input datafile file number=00003
input datafile file number=00005 name=+DATA/rac/datafile/example.264.873551129
input datafile file number=00006
input datafile file number=00004 name=+DATA/rac/datafile/users.259.873550831
channel ch1: starting piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: finished piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
piece handle=+DATA/rac/backup/20150306_db_0dq15sbj_1_1 tag=TAG20150306T182451
channel ch1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:01:55
channel ch1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ch1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
including current control file in backup set
including current SPFILE in backup set
channel ch1: starting piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: finished piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
piece handle=+DATA/rac/backup/20150306_db_0eq15sf6_1_1 tag=TAG20150306T182451
channel ch1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 06-MAR-15
Starting backup at 06-MAR-15
current log archived
channel ch1: starting archived log backup set
channel ch1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=2 sequence=1 RECID=1 STAMP=873555316
input archived log thread=2 sequence=6 RECID=13 STAMP=873567601
input archived log thread=1 sequence=14 RECID=15 STAMP=873567711
input archived log thread=2 sequence=7 RECID=14 STAMP=873567610
input archived log thread=2 sequence=8 RECID=16 STAMP=873567733
input archived log thread=1 sequence=15 RECID=19 STAMP=873567781
input archived log thread=2 sequence=9 RECID=17 STAMP=873567774
input archived log thread=2 sequence=10 RECID=18 STAMP=873567777
input archived log thread=2 sequence=11 RECID=20 STAMP=873568822
input archived log thread=1 sequence=16 RECID=21 STAMP=873615567
channel ch1: starting piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: finished piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
piece handle=+DATA/rac/backup/20150306_archive_0fq15sfj_1_1
tag=TAG20150306T182658 comment=NONE
channel ch1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
Finished backup at 06-MAR-15
Starting backup at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ch1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
including current control file in backup set
channel ch1: starting piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
channel ch1: finished piece 1 at 06-MAR-15
piece handle=+DATA/rac/backup/20150306_control_0gq15sfs_1_1
tag=TAG20150306T182708 comment=NONE
channel ch1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
Finished backup at 06-MAR-15
released channel: ch1